The residents of Essex County need our help desperately!
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on all of us, but it has also brought out the best in County of Essex employees.
The Essex County team has continued to provide traditional services to its residents as well as extraordinary services e.g.
testing and food distribution. Thank you!
Essex County will again be in the forefront in the fast-approaching vaccination administration process. This
unprecedented effort will require all of us to respond in equally unprecedented levels and ways to ensure that our
residents receive vaccines quickly and professionally.
Specifically, we are asking employees to volunteer to provide administrative assistance for vaccination operations,
including at one of the designated vaccination sites. Employees volunteering at one of the vaccination sites will be
provided with full PPE during the time they are at the site. They will also receive priority status in receiving the vaccine if
they wish to receive it.
Volunteers will receive regular compensation but will perform these vaccine-related tasks in lieu of regular duties. We
anticipate that hours will be from 9am to 5pm Monday through Saturday. Saturday hours will be offered to weekday
volunteers and any hours over forty (40) hours will be considered overtime and paid at the appropriate rate of pay Please
note that you must receive your Department Director’s approval to volunteer.
Together, we have eased our residents’ burdens and stress during the pandemic. We should feel good and proud!
However, our COVID battle is far from over and we are calling on your proven commitment to public and spirit of selfsacrifice.
Please consider volunteering for this truly noble cause.
If you want to volunteer, please email the attached form to Tawana Brinson (
Volunteer Assistance Form
Thank you and stay safe!